Categories: News

Stormy Summer In Armenia



On August 20, at around 8 PM, the village mayor of Voskehask, in the
province of Shirak, phoned the Armenian rescue agency and reported
dirty water flooding the territory of his village, filling the
basements of six homes and their surrounding buildings. The Shirak
provincial center created a committee to study the losses.

On the same day, the mayor of Kaputak village in Kotayk made a similar
call, saying water had flooded the basements of 13 homes and stables,
and had ruined a 200 meter section of the village’s roads. Losses
were to be looked into by a committee set up by the Kotayk provincial
center. Panorama.am was informed about these occurrences by the
Armenian rescue agency.

We point out that heavy rains have fallen this summer not only in
Armenia, but around the world, the result of which thousands of people
have been forced from their homes.

Tvankchian Parkev:
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