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Genre Crisis And Dead Stars


22-08-2007 15:12:43

The leader of the National Democratic Party Shavarsh Kocharyan
describes the home political situation in Armenia with one phrase
"genre crisis".

In a news conference on August 22 at the Friday Club he explained
what he meant. The means has replaced the end, in other words, the
government which is a means of solving problems has become an end in
itself for both the opposition and the government. According to the
leader of the National Democratic Party, the programs and ideas are
ignored, and the issue of personalities is set forward. They blame
people but Shavarsh Kocharyan thinks people are not to blame.

"In fact, people have always responded to the positive moves
the political sphere has ever suggested. It may sound a little
unexpected, but if we try to describe the entire political sphere,
it is oppositionist. It opposes to people," says the leader of the
National Democratic Party.

According to him, everyone in the political sphere is led by narrow,
personal, family and clan interests. The consequence, according
to Kocharyan, is the parties are shrinking, and cannot keep the
necessary organizations to influence the society. According to Shavarsh
Kocharyan, only the government parties have this possibility because
they have money.

Shavarsh Kocharyan points to a few circumstances with regard to
the upcoming presidential election. According to him, the first
is the overestimation of the post of president. Meanwhile, after
the amendments to the Constitution the president’s powers were
shortened. "Second, the election of a president does not mean a change
of government. Even if he represents another political force than
the parliament majority, he either will have to adjust to and work
with the majority or the majority which holds all the levers will
isolate him." With regard to the presidential candidates, he says
they should be counted in fall like the chicken. He is skeptical
about the quest of the opposition for a common candidate. He says
the problem of personalities underlies this quest rather than new
approaches. The leader of the NDU does not rule out his participation
in the meetings of the opposition leaders but he says again that
without a deep analysis of the previous failures and a change in
quality and consciousness everything ends up in the Olympic principle
that participation is important of all.

"You know the theory of relativity. The faster the object moves, the
bigger its weight is. I mean we need to move on to increase our weight.

Meanwhile, the questions that are asked all the time refer to the
weight of the political figures who make no headway," says Shavarsh
Kocharyan. He adds that a constellation of dead stars gives no light
and heat.

Virabian Jhanna:
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