Categories: News

People To Be Elected


Hayots Ashkharh Daily Newspaper
22 Aug 2007

One Is An MP

The thing is about majoritarian constituency 15 in Aragatsotny
Province, where 6 candidates have placed an order to stand for August
26 re-elections.

We should remind you that the election returns in this constituency
located in Talin region were annulled after the withdrawal of the
head of "Max-Group" company Republican candidate Khachik Manukyan
that has re-nominated his candidacy.

Yesterday during its regular session Central Election Commission has
confirmed the model of the voting lists.

Apart from the Republican candidate, Major of Talin Mnatsakan
Mnatsakanyan, whom "Bargavach Hayastan" party assisted during May
12 elections (the party doesn’t support its former sponsor), head
of "Heritage" party, MP Raffi Hovhannisyan, ARF candidate Gurgen
Shahinyan, and neutral candidates Emin Karapetyan and Vahagn Petrosyan
will run for the elections.

The latter has applied to the Central Election Commission for changing
the day of the election, as, he says, the legislative norm of the order
of local committees’ formation has been overlooked. CEC considered
this claim baseless.

CEC Chair Garegin Azaryan informed the journalists yesterday that the
process of the election of the leadership of constituency has come
to its logical end all the chairs, deputy-chairs, and secretaries of
all the 41 constituencies are known.

Whereas 13 from the chairmen of the committees are the representatives
of the President, 14 – the representatives of the Republican Party,
7 – "Bargavach Hayastan" Party and 7 – Dashnaktsutyun party. 12
representatives of the President, RPA – 10, BHP – 8, ARF – 8 are
elected deputy-chairs, and 9 presidential, 11- RPA, 9 – BHP and 8 –
Dashnaktsutyun representatives are elected as secretaries.

One representative from "Orinats Yerkir" party and one from "Heritage"
have been elected as heads of committees and two representatives from
"Orinats Yerkir" party and one from "Heritage" – as secretaries.

Zaminian Bedik:
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