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Two, Three, Many Islamic Republics

The National Review Online
August 22, 2007 10:00 AM
Two, Three, Many Islamic Republics
How to achieve our strategic objectives.
By Mark Krikorian

I must be on to something if The New Republic, Cliff May, and Daniel
Larison all disagree with me.

I posted at The Corner recently that radical Islam will only be
defeated when Muslims see for themselves the bankruptcy of Islam as a
modern political ideology by living under Islamic regimes, like that
of Iran. So our widely shared strategic objective of discrediting
political Islam is undermined by our tactical efforts at preventing
the establishment of Islamic regimes.

The least serious critique of my posting was from Josh Patashnik at
The New Republic, who latched on to my overstatement that `Our
long-term strategy, then, should be to create two, three, many Islamic
republics, each one inevitably an example of Islam’s bankruptcy’ – the
verb should have been `allow the establishment of,’ as France should
have done in Algeria in 1991, for instance. But his serious point
draws on the analogy to Communism when he says that `somehow I don’t
think conservatives were all that eager to let countries go Communist
in order to demonstrate what a bad ideology it was.’ True, but that’s
where the analogy fails – Marxism wasn’t rooted in any particular
civilization, so countries could be prevented from being taken over by
Marxist gangs. But we don’t have the option of preventing countries
from `going Islamic,’ since that work was completed centuries ago, and
the explosion of radicalism we’re now facing is simply how traditional
Islam reacts to modernity.

NRO’s Cliff May wasn’t criticizing me directly, but rather a
Washington Post op-ed that makes a similar point to mine, if less
provocatively: containment of radical Islam is needed to allow time
for `discrediting misguided dreams,’ causing it eventually to join
communism on the ash heap of history. Cliff’s point is that
interventionist policies on our part can help the Islamic world work
its way through the appeal of Islamism so it will finally stop having
bloody borders and bloody innards.

Daniel Larison, a columnist at The American Conservative, objects
directly to me, making precisely the opposite point from Cliff.
Larison argues that the `misguided dreams’ of Islam will never and can
never be discredited, no matter what we do, because fundamentalism is
a reaction to modernity, and more modernity will simply breed more

I think they’re both incorrect. Islam will change, but only (or at
least sooner) if we pursue some variation of what Larry Auster calls
`separationism.’ `Separationism’ is the isolation of Islam from the
rest of the world through military action, restrictions on
immigration, and other means, presumably including a radically more
aggressive search for alternative automobile fuels.

But even Auster misunderstands the strategic goal of `separationism’;
he writes that The most the West can do is to create `end-of-their-tether
conditions’ in which Moslems themselves recognize the utter
hopelessness of Islam, thus triggering the emergence of Kemal-type
leaders who will de-Islamicize their countries. The first part of
this sentence is correct, but the second part is not – the result of
Muslims recognizing the `utter hopelessness of Islam’ will not be a
Kemalism with Arab characteristics (i.e., a suppression of Islam by a
secular state) but rather a fundamental change in the Islamic faith
itself. The reason Kemalism is unraveling is that it couldn’t bring
about such a fundamental change – it was an example of premature
anti-Islamism. After WWI, Turkey’s elites were about the only people
in the Islamic world who understood the utter hopelessness of Islam,
but that understanding didn’t percolate down to the people as a whole,
thus allowing today’s resurgence of Islam.

Farthest along the process is Iran, whose people have had quite enough
of Islam. Reuel Marc Gerecht summed it up nicely in Know Thine Enemy:

The Iranian revolution, like fundamentalist movements elsewhere, was
not a rebirth of spirit and faith … but the tremors of a dying body
torn apart by modern life. Iran, always on the cutting edge of Islamic
history, was perhaps taking Muslims where they’d never gone before –
to a permanent rupture of church and state, that awkward division of
heart and mind that becomes inevitable when God’s earthly
representatives demand, and promise, more than they can deliver.

Here’s the way it will play out: When Iran’s Islamic regime finally
unravels, some significant number of nominal Muslims will quickly
become apostates, embracing Bahai or Zoroastrianism or Christianity
(or Buddhism or even Judaism). As this becomes a more widespread and
public thing, some of the many remaining fundamentalists will start
beheading newly Christian school children and raping newly Zoroastrian
women and blowing up newly constructed Bahai temples, intensifying the
existing popular disgust with the Islamic faith and thus accelerating
conversions to other faiths.

Eventually, as the number of former Muslims begins to constitute a
large percentage of the population, the various keepers of Islam will
see the need for a new version of the faith that people won’t abandon
– thereby ushering in the long-awaited but ever elusive `moderate’
Islam, where jihad really does mean nothing more than spiritual
struggle, where the many problematic suras and hadiths are explained
away as historical artifacts. Muslims won’t make this change if they
don’t have to, but they will when the only alternative is the
disappearance of Islam.

Thus there will still be hundreds of millions of Muslims, now living
side by side with large new non-Muslim communities, but their Islam
will be qualitatively different from anything that has gone by that
name in the past. It will take a lifetime to work its way through the
Islamic world, and we must do our best to ensure that relatively few
of our own people are killed in the inevitable tsunami of violence
that is coming, but there really isn’t any alternative.

– Mark Krikorian is executive director of the Center for Immigration
Studies and an NRO contributor.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Emil Lazarian: “I should like to see any power of the world destroy this race, this small tribe of unimportant people, whose wars have all been fought and lost, whose structures have crumbled, literature is unread, music is unheard, and prayers are no more answered. Go ahead, destroy Armenia . See if you can do it. Send them into the desert without bread or water. Burn their homes and churches. Then see if they will not laugh, sing and pray again. For when two of them meet anywhere in the world, see if they will not create a New Armenia.” - WS
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