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Armenian Agency Reports Clash Between Two Businessmen’s Bodyguards I


23 Aug 07

Yerevan, 23 August: A bloody fight has occurred between bodyguards
of two Armenian tycoons – the Prosperous Armenia Party [PAP] leader,
Gagik Tsarukyan, and a member of the [governing] Republican Party of
Armenia [RPA], Ashot Aghababyan – in the centre of Yerevan.

The brawl with obscene words and hand-to-hand fighting occurred outside
Triumph restaurant and house No 28 in Isahakyan Street where some
news agencies are also located. About a hundred onlookers gathered
at the scene of the incident. Having recognized the fighters, they
did not dare to separate them. Representatives of the two clans were
screaming about starting a war, however, the reason for the brawl was
not obvious. The police arrived at the scene of the incident 20 minutes
later, but tension between the fighters continued to increase in an
incomprehensible way. Only traces of blood remained at the scene of
the incident as a result of the fight.

Arminfo learned from sources in the Armenian Police that the brawl was
started by young people at Triumph restaurant. The fighting youngsters
called their "uncles" for support. The source said that the chief
of the president’s personal security service, Grigoriy Sargsyan,
also arrived at the scene of the incident at the end of the brawl
and separated the fighters. The incident is being investigated by
the police.

Tumanian Talar:
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