"I Want To Live In Armenia" Said The Azerbaijani Soldier

By Gegham Vardanian

AZG Armenian Daily #152

Azeri Deserter

The reporter of the Armenian office of the Institute for War and
Peace Reporting (IWPR) conducted an interview with Azerbaijani
soldier Samir Mammadov, who is already a half year in Armenia, in
the criminal-operative center "Kentron".

Samir Mammadov passed the Armenian-Azerbaijani border (Ijevan-Ghazakh
part) and voluntarily yielded to the Armenian armed forces on December
24, 2006.

"I want to live in Armenia, but I don’t know, whether I will be given
1 per cent chance to live here in freedom", Samir Mammadov told IWPR.

He told that he had sent a letter to RA President Robert Kocharian
and applied for a refugee status.

The 20-years old Azerbaijani soldier (Meskhet-Turkish by origin) is
afraid of being accused of treachery and sentenced to 10-20 years in
prison in Azerbaijan.

"Samir Mammadov is an international human rights’ subject and
the authorities of Armenia cannot make him return to Azerbaijan",
mentioned the Head of the working group of RA State Committee on
Captives, Hostages and Missing Armen Kaprielian.

In a cell of the criminal-operative center "Kentron" Samir Mammadov
lives with two Armenians. The Azerbaijani soldier is pleased with
his two friends, as they help him to live and to learn Armenian.

"I know 50 per cent of Armenian. I read and write in Armenian",
said Samir.

He has decided to adopt Christianity after he is released. He has
also chosen an Armenian name for himself.

In case of rejection by the Armenian authorities, the Azerbaijani
soldier will apply to international organizations for taking him to
a European country.