Let The Prime Minister Work

Hakob Badalyan

24-08-2007 11:59:07

The Republican Party, more exactly the ruling coalition, has prepared
an excellent gift for Prime Minister Serge Sargsyan, who returns
from holiday.

While the prime minister was resting, the coalition was restless. And
Serge Sargsyan has to find out the reason for this disquiet, otherwise
it may end up in a war inside the coalition, which witnesses said the
guards of the coalition partners Republican Ashot Aghababyan and Gagik
Tsarukyan, Bargavach Hayastan, involved in a street incident threatened
to wage. Many thought they had white fever and Vardan Mamikonyan would
arrive with his horsemen right away. Meanwhile, the clash happened in
reality, and the prime minister must find out the role of Aghababyan
and Tsarukyan, the masters of the bodyguards, in organizing, planning
and launching their fight. Serge Sargsyan also needs to find out why
the bodyguards of the head of the Center community Gagik Beglaryan
beat Ashot Aghababyan and his bodyguards a few days ago, according to
a report of the Haykakan Zhamanak. For instance, were Aghababyan’s
bodyguards beaten because they wanted to protect their boss or was
the boss beaten because he tried to protect his bodyguards? For it
is possible that the incident involving Beglaryan and Aghababyan
caused the incident involving Tsarukyan and Aghababyan. Tsarukyan’s
bodyguards might have thought they could treat Aghababyan and his team
the way they wanted. The reason why they tend to think so might be
found in 2006 when Serge Sargsyan crushed the intra-Republican clan
of Aghababyan and Sahakyan, not permitting Ashot Aghababyan’s nephew
Arman Sahakyan to become the head of Ajapniak community. In addition,
Serge Sargsyan did it demonstratively: first he let him resign from
the post of deputy mayor self-confidently, then state likelihood to
run in the local election, then he did not let him be nominated.

In other words, Serge Sargsyan first "beat" Aghababyan and his petty
clan inside the Republican Party. But since the political party is not
a pack of wolves, like the prime minister had stated with regard to
Sahakyan’s candidacy, it should be made clear whether the "beating"
by the leader of the party signals green light for the others, or
the leader has the right to "beat", meanwhile the others only after
getting the "written" permission of the leader. They beat Aghababyan
or his bodyguards, but the reputation of the Republican Party and
its leader suffers. If Serge Sargsyan is unable to maintain law and
order in the Republican Party and in the relations among the members
of the ruling coalition, how is he going to rule Armenia in such
a complicated region? In other words, the ruling clans ruin Serge
Sargsyan’s political future, creating additional complications for
him. The prime minister either has to settle this problem by punishing
the participants of these scandals and their bosses publicly or he
must show to the public that he knew everything beforehand. In this
case, however, the prime minister’s reputation is endangered as well
because it will not be clear to the public what a political team Serge
Sargsyan is setting up who is the likely presidential candidate. What
a team is it if its members are beating one another? What will they
be doing when in 2008 they will have solved the problem of the right
to beat for the next ten years? In other words, it turns out that
the citizens of the Republic of Armenia have more reasons to worry
than Serge Sargsyan. Serge Sargsyan has only one important problem:
he wants to be president and he does not care that they beat one
another. Therefore, it is probable that after his holiday the prime
minister will not voice his stance on these scandals but he will raise
some major issues, saying that the country is facing major problems
which he deals with while the public troubles him with some secondary
incidents involving oligarchs. Therefore, the public had better leave
the prime minister alone and let him work. Let the public think only.