September 1: No School

21:25 23/08/2007

At the beginning of the new school year, five schools won’t be opening
their doors to greet students. The schools are being renovated under
a program by the "Lincy" foundation. Sylva Achoian, representing the
education department of the city council, told a journalist
that it was correct that the five schools wouldn’t be open by September
1, but that "students would be attending neighboring schools, as has
happened in the past."

Accordingly, students from school #125 will be attending school #48,
#194 students will go to #68, from #168 to #195, from #80 to #42,
and finally from #56 to #21, taking along with them their teachers
and administrators.

"What can we do? Things are a little tight now, but in the end students
will be attending class in bright, beautiful classrooms," Achoyan said.

She added that these conditions would continue till year’s end,
the new classrooms being ready in January.

If we add that the students will have to attend classes taking turns
one after the other, "a little tight" isn’t that little.