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ANCAER: Wilmington City Council to Delaware Rep: Support H.Res.106

Date: August 24, 2007

Armenian National Committee of America
Eastern Region, US
P.O. Box 419, New York, NY 10108
Contact: Karine Birazian
Tel: 917-428-1918


— Unanimous City Council Vote Led by City Councilman Samuel Prado
— ANCA Recognized for Armenian Genocide Recognition Efforts

Wilmington, DE- On August 23, 2007, the City Council of Wilmington,
Delaware voted unanimously to call on Delaware Congressional
Representative Michael Castle (D-DE) to support the Armenian
Genocide Resolution, H.Res.106, reported the Armenian National
Committee of America, Eastern Region (ANCA-ER).

Introduced by Councilman Samuel Prado, representing the City of
Wilmington’s fifth district, the powerfully worded resolution was
presented and voted upon with no debate. The resolution, which
cites the history of the Armenian Genocide and urges cosponsorship
of H. Res. 106, also urges the "Turkish Government to accept
responsibility for this tragic event in world history."

"We commend Councilman Prado for working within the State of
Delaware to urge Representative Castle to sign on to H. Res. 106,"
stated ANCA Eastern Region Executive Director Karine Birazian.
"The Armenian Community of Delaware, and Armenians throughout the
nation welcomes this initiative and hope that the action taken in
Wilmington will build on the already majority support for the

Prado also issued a proclamation honoring the ANCA for fostering
public awareness for Armenian Genocide recognition and its work in
support of self-determination for the people of Nagorno Karabagh.
Birazian accepted in the proclamation on behalf of the ANCA, along
with ANC of PA Chairman, Dr. Ara Chalian, and ANC Delaware activist
Mike Kalajian. Each spoke before the overflow crowd of over 250
community citizens in attendance about the history of the Armenian
Genocide, and urged Delaware Congressman Mike Castle to sign on the

In a strong and moving statement read at the City Council meeting,
Kalajian stated, "here we are now, 92 years and 10,000 miles away,
living in the relative safety of the state of Delaware in this
great country America. Why should we care what happened nearly a
century ago and so far away? Because apathy bears acceptance, and
we cannot condone a horror such as this… We can not, and will
not, accept that any government has the right to exterminate any
segment of its innocent citizenry for any reason, not for the color
of their skin, not for their religious or political beliefs, and
not for their race." Kalajian was instrumental earlier this year
in working with State Representative John A. Kowalko (D-25) who
introduced a resolution in the Delaware General Assembly in
remembrance of the Armenian Genocide. The resolution was adopted
by voice vote with no opposition on April 5th, 2007.

Prado, son of Jesus Prado, and a lifelong resident of the City of
Wilmington was elected to represent the Wilmington’s 5th District
in 1984. Samuel was previously employed by the AIG Life Insurance
company in the area of customer service. He attended Salesianum
Catholic High School. He is a 1999 graduate of the University of
Delaware and received a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Political
Science. Following passage of the Armenian Genocide resolution,
Prado explained his reasons for introducing the legislation,

"As someone who has studied history, I came across the subject of
the Armenian Genocide in reading about World War I. I found this
event to be not only tragic but also very telling about the evil
that fellow man can inflict on others. What I found particularly
appalling however is the present-day government of Turkey continued
denial of genocide and the political motivations behind it. I am
saddened that the United States will not admit that Turkey did this
for fear of upsetting its political alliance with the Turkish
State. The reality is that Turkey needs to own up to what it did
the Armenians. And just as Germany had to pay reparations to the
Jews, Turkey in the end, will have to do the same for the

"Whether that is through financial compensation or returning land
that was violently taken from Armenia, Turkey will have to do
either in order to rectify this historical injustice. I find it
equally appalling the Turkey maintains a blockade on Armenia and
continues to mistreat the small surviving Armenian community in
Anatolia. This also applies to its treatment of the Greeks and
Assyrians. People in the United States need to realize that this
so-called ally of the US has committed atrocities against its
Christian inhabitants and ironically, anti-US sentiment in Turkey
is higher than in Iran and many other Muslim countries. Even though
I’m just a City Councilman, I will do my part to getting the word
out about this evil event with the hope that it will never happen
again. I sincerely hope that Rep. Mike Castle does the right thing
and votes for House Resolution 106 to recognize the Armenian

Later that evening, ANC of PA Chairman, Dr. Chalian was interviewed
live on Horizon Armenian Television and shared with the viewers
what had happened that evening: "Working with city councils is an
innovative way to urge members of Congress to take action on the
Armenian Genocide Resolution," commented Chalian. "We are so
grateful for Councilman Prado’s initiative on this matter."

The texts of both the Armenian Genocide resolution and the ANCA
proclamation follow.

The Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) is the largest
and most influential Armenian American grassroots political
organization. Working in coordination with a network of offices,
chapters and supporters throughout the United States and affiliated
organizations around the world, the ANCA actively advances the
concerns of the Armenian American community on a broad range of


City of Wilmington
August 23, 2007

WHEREAS, 1,500,000 men, women, and children of Armenian descent
were victims of the genocide perpetrated by the Ottoman Empire
(present-day Turkey) in 1915 and thereafter; and

WHEREAS, the killing of the Armenian people was accomplished by the
Turkish authorities’ systematic destruction of churches, schools,
libraries, treasures of art, and cultural monuments in an attempt
to eliminate all traces of a noble civilization with a history of
more than 3,000 years; and

WHEREAS, the United States Ambassador to the Ottoman Empire, Henry
Morgenthau, Sr., stated, "Whatever crimes the most perverted
instincts of the human mind can devise, and whatever refinement of
persecutions and injustice the most debased imagination can
conceive, became the daily misfortunes of these ‘devoted people.";

WHEREAS, Turkey continues to deny the Armenian genocide and has
made it a crime to discuss the issue in that country and continues
to lobby against any recognition of the atrocities committed
against its indigenous Armenian population; and

WHEREAS, the Armenian genocide has been acknowledged by other
countries and international bodies; and

WHEREAS, it is essential to raise awareness about this undeniable
chapter of world history, as this will further our understanding of
the need to eliminate hatred from our own communities; and

WILMINGTON, that the City Council requests the Delaware
Congressional delegation to support House Resolution 106 which
recognizes the Armenian Genocide happened in the country of Turkey
and urges the Turkish Government to accept responsibility for this
tragic event in world history.


C ity of Wilmington
City Council
April 23, 2007

Sponsor: Council Member Samuel Prado

Whereas, the City Council of Wilmington, Delaware is appreciative
of organizations and individuals who foster public awareness in
support of freedom and unity; and

Whereas, the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA), A
dynamic and influential Armenian America grassroots political
organization, further educates Americans about important Armenian
issues such as the struggle to protect the Armenian population of
Nagorno Karabagh, the protection of the surviving Armenians still
residing in Turkey, Turkey’s economic blockade of Armenia, and the
continued denial of the Armenian genocide; and

Whereas, millions of Christian Armenians were systematically
massacred, while their relatives were forced to witness the
slaughter and the loss of their ancestral homeland and property,
and the forced deportations of countless others, representing the
first case of genocide of the 20th century; and

Whereas, the Citizen of Wilmington join with Armenian Americans in
collective remembrance and desire to ensure that similar crimes
against humanity and prevented in the future.

WILMINGTON, the Council recognizes the great work of the Armenian
National Committee of America in promoting a prosperous and a free
Armenia, their work on behalf of Armenian American issues, and most
importantly, for their continued struggle to have the Armenian
Genocide recognized by the Turkish Republic.

Photo Caption:
Photo 1: ANC of Delaware activist Mike Kalajian speaking at the City
Council meeting

Photo 2: Left to Right: ANC of Delaware activist Mike Kalajian, ANC of
PA activist Sevag Shirozian, Councilman Samuel Prado, ANCA ER
Director Karine Birazian, ANC of PA Chairman Dr. Ara Chalian, and
Delaware constituent Harry Tashjian IV

Hovhannisian John:
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