TEHRAN: President: Certain Big Powers Against Amity Among Nations


Aug 22 2007

Certain big powers are against amity among nations and oppose friendly
and brotherly relations between neighboring countries, said President
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad here Wednesday.

"Today, many such as Zionists and groups attached to big powers are
striving to sow discord among nations," the president told reporters

Ahmadinejad, who is currently here on a two-day state visit, further
said, "They are making mistakes because bonds of amity between the
two nation of Iran and Azerbaijan have roots in history.

"These moves are foolish," he said adding, "those opposing relations
between the two nations do not know what nations think about and what
they are interested in.

"This is while the prospects of ties between the two nations are
bright and we hope that these ties would serve as a model for other
countries and the world."

Turning to the Karabakh issue, he said, "The stance of the Islamic
Republic of Iran has been announced explicity and we think all
issues can be resolved on the basis of justice and law, and through

President Ahmadinejad added, "We should strive to settle problems
and provide grounds for amity among nations on the basis of mutual
respect, justice and law.

"We think that friendly and peaceful ties should prevail among
neighboring states and everyone should be content with its own right.

This is a formula on the basis of which problems can easily be solved."