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ANKARA: Jewish Lobby And Armenian Allegations?

Ýsrafil Kumbasar, Yenicað

Turkish Daily News , Turkey
Aug 29 2007

What Others Say

Jews trying to re-create a new world design invent "superficial"
issues to keep their target countries under control. Via "bad men",
they bring those issues to the international agenda in order to have
what they want. In fact, these bad men work for Jews.

Targeted countries find remedy in "mediators" or in other words
"good fellows". They are the members of the Jewish lobby in the U.S.

Good fellows convince bad men. And the issues previously brought to
international agenda are shelved.

The so-called Armenian Genocide Allegations is a product of one of
these tactics.

At times Turkey dares to act alone in the region, Israel knocks the
door of the U.S. Congress. The Armenian allegations are brought to
the agenda. Then Turkey knocks the door of Jewish lobby to seek help.

The lobby introduces a condition: Go agree with Israel first.

Agreements follow a series of top-level visits between Ankara and
Tel-Aviv. There comes happy ending, the Armenian allegations are
shelved! Bilateral relations go back to normal.

However, the Jewish lobby in the U.S. decided to recognize the
so-called genocide allegations. Elsewhere, Israel corners Turkey to
step back in "diplomatic close-up" with Iran. Israel continues to
play the mediator and tries to create public opinion for its favor
thorough media.


Nahapetian Samvel:
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