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Anti-Defamation League Did Not Justify Its Name


29-08-2007 15:02:32

Politics is an interesting thing. One may state that black is white
only because your new allies dislike black.

Like in the case of the story of recognition of the Armenian Genocide
by the influential Jewish organization. Although this story is highly
tragic, it arouses a smile, for a few days ago the Anti-Defamation
League reneged on its statement on possibility to recognize the
Armenian Genocide in Ottoman Turkey under the pressure of Turkey.

Anatolia News Agency reported that the Turkish prime minister Erdoghan
stated his office had received a message from the leadership of the
league stating that the Jewish organization admitted its mistake
regarding their decision.

By the way, the Anti-Defamation League fights against everyone who
denies the fact of the Holocaust during World War II. Everyone who
doubts the numbers and facts undergoes tough pressure on behalf of
the League.

It goes without saying that in the United States all the influential
media are run by ethnic Jews. Besides, it is not a secret that the
Jewish organizations influence considerably the government of the
United States.

Hence, it turns out that recognition by Jews is necessary to have
the others recognize the widely-known fact. For instance, a few days
ago they tried to justify somehow their name but again failed. More
interestingly, nobody denies the genocide itself but nobody wants to
recognize it. Here is politics.

Khondkarian Raffi:
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