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Raffi Hovannisian Congratulates Abdullah Gul

The Heritage Party
31 Moscovian Street
Yerevan, Armenia
Tel.: (+374 – 10) 53.69.13
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Email: info@heritage.am; office@heritage.am

August 29, 2007

Raffi Hovannisian Congratulates Abdullah Gul

Yerevan–Today Heritage Party leader Raffi K. Hovannisian sent a
letter of congratulations to newly-elected Turkish president Abdullah
Gul. Its text follows.

"August 29, 2007

H.E. Abdullah Gul
President, Republic of Turkey

Dear Mr. President:

Please accept my congratulations on your election to this most
responsible position at an equally critical crossroads for our nations
and their neighborhood.

It is to be hoped that, during your tenure and that of the next
Armenian president to be elected in several months’ time,
Turkish-Armenian relations will enter a wholly new phase of
reflection, exploration, discovery, and ultimate normalization. This
can be done not only by virtue of high statesmanship and creative
diplomacy, but on the basis of a sincere mutual contemplation of the
future anchored in a brave and unprecedented assumption of history.

Turkey, Armenia, and the nature of their relationship are pivotal to
the potential of real security and cooperation in the broader region.
The deep divides between our countries, be they of contemporary
character or part of the legacy of the Great Armenian Dispossession,
must be overcome and resolved in truth, with integrity, and through
the partnership of the two new leaders and their fellow citizens of
good faith and conscience.

May God grant you the vision, commitment, and health to achieve that day.

Very truly yours,

Raffi K. Hovannisian"

Torgomian Varazdat:
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