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ANKARA: Turkey US Relations: What is Next?

Journal of Turkish Weekly, Turkey
Sept 1 2007

Turkey US Relations: What is Next?

Saturday , 01 September 2007

Turkey-US relations likely to be tested soon

Throughout the last decade foreign policy has always been a key part
of Turkey’s agenda; however only since the ruling Justice and
Development Party (AK Party) first came to power in November 2002 has
foreign policy become highly visible in the discussions of the man on
the street.

The European Union membership process and relations with neighboring
Iraq, where the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) has found a
safe haven, occupied a great deal of space on this agenda. These two
particular issues have also been the focus of domestic debate between
the ruling and opposition parties.

Ali Babacan, appointed as new foreign minister in Prime Minister
Recep Tayyip Erdoðan’s Cabinet after his predecessor Abdullah Gül
became the new resident of the presidential Çankaya Palace, on Friday
took office at his new post. In a brief speech he delivered as he was
welcomed by Foreign Ministry staff, Babacan highlighted the proactive
foreign policy stance assumed by Ankara, without elaborating on the
fact that this stance has been assumed only in recent years and
undertake Party rule.

On the same day, via a Prime Ministry circular published in the
Official Gazette, it became clear that Babacan will continue wearing
his former hat as Turkey’s chief EU negotiator in addition to his
post as the foreign minister. In the same circular, the
Secretariat-General for EU Affairs (ABGS) which was thus far working
as an attachment to the Prime Ministry was subordinated to the
Foreign Ministry.

President Gül’s inaugural speech to Parliament on Tuesday once again
outlined that the EU membership goal has been embraced by Turkey’s
leadership as a core piece of the Turkish Republic’s state policy.
Thus it is obvious that both Gül, who will surely be an active
president in terms of foreign policy, and his successor Babacan will
focus much time on the EU issue.

Nonetheless, Turkey’s foreign policy does not consist solely of the
EU issue. Looking at events of the last few months, it becomes
apparent that Turkey is still losing people in the fight between its
security forces and the PKK. Meanwhile US military officials
considering Iraq strategy options appear to be focusing on reducing
the US combat role in 2008 while increasing training of Iraqi forces.
Despite the fact that the military has not yet developed a plan for
substantial withdrawal of forces next year, officials are laying the
groundwork for possible overtures to Turkey and Jordan to use their
territory for moving some troops and equipment out of Iraq.
Meanwhile, Turkey, which aims at becoming the fourth energy artery
for the EU, seems determined to deepen its bilateral cooperation with
neighboring Iran in the energy field, despite strong objections from
the US.

In Washington, congressional democrats are pushing for two separate
resolutions. One involves urging the administration to recognize the
World War I-era Armenian killings as genocide. Turkey has warned that
passage of the resolutions in the US Congress would seriously harm
relations with Washington and impair cooperation in Iraq and

Returning to the Iraq issue, Iraqi Kurds are pushing for a referendum
on the fate of the oil-rich city of Kirkuk before the end of this
year, while Ankara believes that the planned referandum should not
take place without reaching a consensus among the ethnic groups of
Kirkuk — namely Kurds, Arabs and Turkmen.

Given all of these circumstances, retired Ambassador Özden Sanberk, a
former Foreign Ministry undersecretary, believes that Ankara will
have to focus on `urgent matters,’ drawing attention to the fact that
not all parameters could be set by Ankara concerning the issue of the
PKK presence in northern Iraq since this situation is one of the
consequences of the ongoing US-led invasion.

`Considering that and keeping in mind that the Kirkuk issue, which
can easily be likened to a `time bomb’, as well as the tension
between Turkey’s NATO ally the US and Iran, I believe that the number
one priority for the government will have to be relations with
Washington. Because the US is both a reason for the problems and a
part of the resolution to these problems,’ Sanberk said in a
telephone interview with Today’s Zaman on Friday.

`For Turkey to be able to concentrate on its EU membership goal, it
first has to minimize threats against its own security. Thus all
foreign policy needs to gravitate around these security concerns.
While outlining its policy accordingly, Ankara will also have to
thoroughly analyze the global and regional trends,’ the prominent
diplomat added, referring to the rising popularity of the concept of
`nation-state’ in a world where international bodies are becoming
less influential.

Agreeing in general with what Sanberk asserts, prominent Milliyet
columnist and foreign policy expert Semih Ýdiz says bilateral
relations between Ankara and Washington are likely to enter a period
of tension, terming future relations between the two capitals
`electrified.’ He added, `Instead of waiting and seeing what will
happen next in Iraq, Turkey will have to assume a proactive stance by
getting directly involved in easing the political turmoil in Iraq.’

Ýdiz concluded: `Having its relations with the US `electrified’,
Ankara will be more and more eager to grab hold of the EU anchor. My
personal concern is whether Babacan’s 24 hours will be sufficient for
dealing with all of these issues. The question over whether it is a
good idea to have Babacan wearing two hats is hanging heavily in my


Varosian Antranik:
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