Ann Derse: resumption of war in Karabakh will turn into calamity


Ann Derse: resumption of war in Karabakh will turn into calamity
01.09.2007 14:40 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Resumption of hostilities in Karabakh would be a
calamity, said Ann Derse, the U.S. Ambassador to Azerbaijan. `The
U.S. calls on the Karabakh conflict sides to make courageous moves and
mutual concessions. At the same time, the Nagorno Karabakh conflict
should be resolved in the framework of territorial integrity and
return of refugees,’ she said.

As to the recent visit of the Iranian President to Baku, the U.S. sees
nothing extraordinary in the event, according to her. That was a visit
paid by the leader of a neighbor state. `The problem is that Iran
keeps on neglecting the urges to stop enriching uranium and developing
nuclear technologies,’ she said, Turan news agency reports.