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List of Murderers of the Massacre of 1988 in Iran

Sept 1 2007

List of Murderers of the Massacre of 1988 in Iran

Jahanshah Rashidian (Iran/Germany)
September 1st, 2007

A Persian list of murderers and presumed culprits of the massacre of
Iranian political prisoners in 1988 is today published in an Iranian
internet site, I recommend all Persian
speaking people to read the list.

As we read through the list, we can recognise many names who later
promoted into key positions under President Rafsanjani and President
Khatami. A number of them are now ministers of President Ahmadinejad.
Some of these psychopaths tortured and raped their prisoners,
according to the site.

>From August to September 1988, a hideous crime was taking place in
Iran. As Ayatollah Khomeini drank the `poison chalice’ and signed the
peace treaty with Saddam Hossein, he psychopathologically decided to
take revenge from the Iranian political prisoners who were spending
their prison terms. Khomeini ordered the complete massacre of them.
He wanted absolute panic to reign over Iranians to avoid any
political protest.

Exact numbers of executions of 88 and the conditions of executions
have never been officially reported by the IRI or their factions.
Different numbers are speculated by both IRI’s deserters and
rescuers, from some 4485 names published in the opposition media up
to 30000 executions, as estimated.

Iran’s political prisoners were simply asked two questions each, `Do
you believe in Allah?’, `Are you prepared to renounce your
organisation?’ The prisoners had no idea about the consequences of
their replies. In fact a `No’ to any of the above questions meant
immediate execution. Many of the prisoners had already finished their
prison sentences but were still not released; some were even brought
back after they had been released.

The victims included teenagers, whole families, men and women. During
the months of August and September, all prison visits were cancelled;
families were told not to bring any medicine or food for their loved
ones. During this time the killing inside Iran’s prisons continued.

The slaughter was efficient and relentless. All day long, prisoners
were loaded on forklift trucks and hanged from cranes and beams in
groups of six at half-hourly intervals. Others were killed by firing
squad. Those not executed were subjected to horrific torture. The
killing was an act of violence and unprecedented in Iranian history,
unprecedented in form, content and intensity,’ wrote the historian
Ervand Abrahamian in his book on Iranian prisons Tortured

Those executed were buried in unmarked mass graves on the outskirts
of the towns. In Tehran, one mass burial was accidentally discovered
by an Armenian priest who had become curious as to why stray dogs
kept digging there for bones.

It is a moral duty to mention that such massacres can always repeat
as soon as political Islam exists. The historical justification of
such massacres has roots in the epoch of the Prophet Muhammad when he
came up with the idea that it is perfectly legitimate to kill
`unbelievers’ -the teaching of the Koran confirms it:

`Those who resist Allah and his messenger will be humbled to dust’:
the Koran 58-5. Or: `I will instil terror into the hearts of the
unbelievers’, the Koran 8-12.

These verses like a series of radical interpretations of the Koran
justify not only Muslims’ jihad against non-believers, but also have
been used or abused for inner conflicts within Muslims, among their
different sects and power-thirsty groups who have been mutually
killing each others since the advent of Islam for being `the enemy of

IRI’s version of Islam justified both categories of `enemy of Islam’
namely the `Molhed’ or unbelievers and the `hypocrite’ Muslims of the
Mojahedins`, both victims of the massacre.

In the nineteenth year of the massacre, we all freedom-loving
Iranians along with the families who lost their loved children in
summer 88 want the international judicial authorities to summon the
murderers of this genocide to an international tribunal to be tried.
This is a natural right that was given to the victims of Nazi
genocides to bring the culprits to the Nürenberg Court for their
crimes against humanity.

I hope the published list of Roshangari of the culprits can shed a
new light on this forgotten massacre.


Jalatian Sonya:
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