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Why are parties ashamed of aspirations to government posts?

Why are parties ashamed of aspirations to government posts?

Naira Hayrumyan
01-09-2007 16:23:50 – KarabakhOpen

After the presidential election in which the main political parties
supported Bako Sahakyan, the president elect, it is time to appoint the
government. Strangely, however, all the four parties say they have no
aspirations to government posts and do not expect ministerial
The Demo newspaper published an interview with the leaders of all the
four parties and each found a reason to deny aspirations to government
Vahram Atanesyan, member of the Democratic Party’s board, said the
appointment of the government is `the prerogative of the president in
accordance with the Constitution.’ The chair of the Azat Hayrenik Party
said the party expects the implementation of the program they endorsed
and not ministerial posts. The expectations of Arthur Mosiyan, leader
of the ARF Dashnaktsutyun of Artsakh, involve a realistic HR policy
based on professionalism. The leader of the Movement 88 Party does not
have career ambitions either. The impression is that a government post
is a bounty and only one person has the prerogative to distribute it.
Strangely, the political leaders are even `ashamed’ of aspiring to
posts. As if it were a feeder.
In the meantime, a government post is responsibility for one sphere or
another, and the people who persuaded people to vote for one election
campaign or another should take up responsibility. It is the duty of
the parties which endorsed the president elect.
In our country, it is vice versa. Politicians do not do politics and
try their hardest to keep away from politics. Our politicians avoid
acting publicly although they should be interested in winning over the
public opinion. The politicians avoid government posts because it means
responsibility. They are even reluctant to do politics although they
have possibilities.
This phenomenon defies explanation. It is possible that someone wants
to do politics but is afraid because holding political levers is the
same as holding a gun. If you cannot handle it, it may shoot.

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