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ADL reinstates Reg Dir it fired over Armenian genocide controversy

Israel Insider, Israel
Sept 2 2007

ADL reinstates regional director it fired over Armenian genocide

By: Israel Insider staff
Published: September 2, 2007

Following a much-publicized scandal, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL)
Monday reinstated Andrew Tarsy as its New England regional director,
according to the Jerusalem Post. Tarsy was fired two weeks ago after
public stating that the ADL’s refusal to recognize the Armenian
genocide was "morally indefensible."

Abraham Foxman, the organization’s director, afterwards officially
reversed the ADL’s position and said that the massacre was
"tantamount to genocide." His remarks caused uproar among Turkish

"I am delighted to be back on the job as the New England regional
director," Tarsy said in a statement released Tuesday. "I am proud
that ADL has made a very significant change confronting a moral issue
and acknowledging the Armenian genocide for what it was. This was an
act of leadership by Mr. Foxman and ADL."

Nancy Kaufman, the executive director of the Jewish Community
Relations Council of Greater Boston, said that the conflict was sure
to continue, but expressed approval of the ADL’s recent decisions.

"I don’t think it’s the end of the story, but rather the end of a
chapter in an ongoing story," she said. "It’s a terrific ending,
which speaks to the importance of speaking our mind when we have a
moral issue we feel strongly about."


Jilavian Emma:
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