Term For Submitting Application To French Insurance Companies By Suc


Noyan Tapan
Sep 3, 2007

YEREVAN, SEPTEMBER 3, NOYAN TAPAN. The successors of the victims of
the Armenian Genocide can submit applications to the French "L’UNION
VIE", "CAISSE PATERNELLE", and "LA CONFIENCE" insurance companies
for receiving the insurance fees of their ancestors until January 7,
2008. Earlier the deadline for submitting applications was October
1, 2007.

According to the information provided by Arman Baghdoyan, the
director-manager of the "Vardges Yeghiayan" law office, at the press
conference held on August 31, the number of applications received
so far "is not satisfactory at all" in comparison with what was
expected. That is why, according to him, it was considered necessary
to "apply to court and prolong the term for submitting applications
by the priviledge of court.

Arman Baghdoyan mentioned that the successors can submit any document,
be that a photo, birth, marriage or death certificate, lisence of
estate paper, to name but a few, in order to prove their family ties
and ties of relationship with their ancestors, who have assets in
French companies. It was mentioned that a name list including about
7 thousand Armenians insured in the French companies is introduced
on the following site: In
the opinion of Arman Baghdoyan, measures are currently being taken
in the direction of replenishing the list with information about the
place of residence of the insured.

The "Vardges Yeghiayan" law office has brought an action against
the French "AXA" insurance company, which is the legal successor of
the above-mentioned three companies. The "AXA" insurance company is
expected to pay approximately 11.5 million dollars to the successors
of the victims of the genocide.

Arman Baghdoyan declared that the previous similar case, which was
filed against the "NEW YORK LIFE" insurance company, has finished. In
his words, "2515 people, who have received ratification of being
paid, have been given 7 million 953 thousand dollars." It was also
mentioned that, in general, applications have been received from 26
countries. The greatest number of applications have been received from
Armenia (1254 people have been paid 3 million 675 thousand dollars),
the United States of America (896 people have been paid 2 million
693 thousand dollars), and France (141 people have been paid 656
thousand dollars).
