20:21 03/09/2007
Yerevan State University has 930 places designated for those wishing
to participate in correspondence courses. As of September 1, only
138 had applied, as informed to a journalist by Vachakan
Galstyan, secretary of the university’s admittance committee. In his
words, of the 60 places designated to study the English language, 23
have applied; of the 40 places for Armenian language and literature,
10 have applied; the faculty of foreign relations has received the
same number of applicants.
"No applications whatsoever have been received in the fields of
mathematics and sociology. Of the 40 places set aside for economics,
only 12 applied," noted Galstyan.
In his words, 28 professions and 16 faculties are part of the
correspondence course program. Anyone can apply.
"Any applicant who doesn’t earn enough points can take another
examination, while keeping the points he previously earned,"
Galstyan said, assuring that the courses would be conducted by the
same professors using the same programs. "Many had the fear that a
different diploma and a different program would be offered. Everything
will be the same," he stressed.
We note that the course lasts five years, and must be paid for, as
opposed to the scholarships offered in regular courses. "The government
will pay for those who became crippled in the armed services, as well
as for those who lost family members in the war," he said.