NKR: Reception At The Speaker Of NKR National Assembly


Azat Artsakh Tert
Sept 4 2007
Nagorno Karabakh Republic

On September 1st, the Speaker of NKR NA Ashot Ghoulian met with some
members of the delegation of RA Court of Cassation – the chairman
of criminal chamber of RA Court of Cassation Tigran Sahakian, the
headmaster of RA judicial school Arman Vardanian and the leader of
RA judicial department Arsen Mkrtchian. As it was pointed at the
meeting, the delegation visited Artsakh for organizing thematic
seminars within the limits of collaboration of RA and NKR judicial
systems with participation of the judges of NKR judicial instances.It
was underlined, that such arrangements at the same time gave wild
opportunity to each other for getting acquainted with judicial practice
nearly, axchange of experience and also mutual assistance.

Welcoming such event of mutual collaboration, the Speaker of NA
presented the members of the delegation today’s achievements of NKR
legislation connected with the process of reforms realized for years.

He pointed,- "At present our attention is concentrated on the works
for conforming acting legislation and a whole package of laws of legal
sphere to the requirements of NKR Constitution". At the meeting the
necessaty of consultating contacts between RA judicial instances
and NKR National Assembly was attached importance, coming tasks
were drawn. The chairmen of permenant commissions of NA defence and
state-legal question, security and the questions of obedience to the
law Jury Hayrapetian and Rudolf Martirosian, the chairman of the NKR
Supreme Court Vladimir Hovsepian took part in the talk.(press-service
of NKR NA reported).