Everybody – As At The Front


Azat Artsakh Tert
Sept 5 2007
Nagorno Karabakh Republic

It has been already become a tradition, that the first hour of the
first day of a new academic year is conducted as a patriotic lesson.

According to the same "tradition", the main officials of the country
conduct a patriotic lesson in Artsakh State University. This time,
on September 1st the Speaker of NKR NA Ashot Ghoulian, Minister of
Defence Movses Hakobian, Minister of Education, Culture and Sport
Kamo Ataian visited Artsakh State University. The meeting, the
main participants of which were the newly-converted students of the
University, had a really big intention. Congratulating the presents
in connection with the holidays, the Speaker of NKR NA Ashot Ghoulian
attached importance the role of students not only in educational and
scientific, but also in public and political life, and assured that
being a student, they should be worthy citizens of their republic. A.

Ghoulian finds out, that the strengthening of economical sphere is
very important, – "It seems, that during last years we’ve had rather
achievements in that sense, but this progress must be developed".