Categories: News

Shall We Have Armenian Shoes And Cloths In 7-8 Months?


[04:28 pm] 05 September, 2007

"Van" shoe factory is "at a loss" because of the recent misfortunes
and the vague promises. "I cannot say anything definitely. We are
trying to resume work.

I wouldn’t like to speak of definite suggestions and prospects
beforehand," the director gave A1+ the following evasive answer. He
asked us politely to phone in two months to arrange a meeting.

We came across the same scene in ten other factories.

The directors avoided to introduce themselves and to present their
problems as "they are disappointed and upset to speak of their

We phoned the Kanaker shoe factory as well to inquire about their
activity. We were immediately told that they had admission and we were
free to apply whenever we wanted. On learning our aim, the director
said she was busy as "we have been out of work for many years.

Now we hope to resume work and can answer your questions in 7-8
months," she said. She told us they had partly preserved their

An employee of "Taron" clothing factory told A1+ that he couldn’t
remember where he had last seen his superiors. The factory has been
out of work since 1990s. "I can hardly speak of any prospects as I
am an ordinary employee and nobody informs me of their plans," he said.

Only the director of "Garun" factory agreed to answer our questions
in a week after they have got raw material and specified their
further plans.

Over the recent seven months 3.8 milliard dollars have been spent
on clothes production in comparison with the 4.1 milliard dollars of
the previous year, the RA National Statistics Service reports.

As for footwear, the figures do not correspond to the
reality. According to the NSS the fabrication is determined by the
shady economy as very often Armenian shoes are presented as foreign
production at markets.

Vorskanian Yeghisabet:
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