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Turkey’s response to ADL controversy

The Jewish Advocate

Turkey’s response to ADL controversy

By Nabi Sensoy – Wednesday September 5 2007

Turkish ambassador: Give all sides a hearing

In response to an inquiry by the Advocate, the Turkish ambassador to
the U.S. issued the following statement:
It was surprising and disappointing when, on August 21, ADL abruptly
changed its longtime position regarding the historical interpretation
of the events of 1915 – even though the organization appeared later to
recalibrate its course.
There is a moral argument in supporting efforts to shed light on this
period by a genuinely sincere and thorough scholarly inquiry making
use of all evidence, foremost the Ottoman, Armenian and other
archives. Our ultimate responsibility is to seek out the truth and
engender reconciliation. We owe this to our past and future
ADL and many prominent historians have agreed with us that the world
has yet to see a full review of the historical record. That’s why
Prime Minister Erdogan proposed on April 10, 2005, to Armenia’s
President Robert Kocharian the creation of a Joint Commission of
Historians to establish the facts of the Armenian and Turkish tragedy,
in order to "shed light on a disputed period of history and also
constitute a step towards contributing to the normalization of
relations between our countries, and… leave to our future generations
a peaceful and friendly environment in which tolerance and mutual
respect shall prevail." Then-Foreign Minister Abdullah Gül
subsequently invited other countries, including the United States, to
participate in this commission. The response from the Armenian
government has been negative. We need the support of all interested in
this effort. That is why, on a positive note, I am glad that ADL has
expressed support to Turkey’s proposal.
In this context, the resolution in Congress to pass judgment on the
events of 1915 in the Ottoman Empire is an effort to rewrite history
by a political organ. What’s more, the Congress will be asked to do so
with a selective and factually incorrect dossier.
It is heartening that ADL has affirmed that "the force and passion of
the debate today leaves us more convinced than ever that this issue
does not belong in a forum such as the United States Congress."
Even in our surprise and disappointment, we maintain our strong desire
to deepen our relationship with the Jewish community – in the U.S., in
Israel and around the world. The Turkish Jewish community is an
enriching and integral part of the Turkish society. The exemplary
relationship between Turks and Jews everywhere for over 500 years is
strong enough to endure beyond this episode. As such, we expect the
Jewish organizations to give all sides of the debate the benefit of
the doubt and stand against an act of great injustice to a friendly
nation in the Congress, and in public opinion, without a thorough
examination of all facts.

Nabi Sensoy is the Republic of Turkey’s Ambassador to the United States.


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