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ANKARA: Armenian group in US launches fresh salvo for resolution

Today’s Zaman

Armenian group in US launches fresh salvo for ‘genocide’ resolution

A number of US congressmen supporting a resolution upholding Armenian
allegations of genocide at the hands of the Ottoman Empire increased
to 225, well above the half of total members in the 435-seat House of
Representatives required for its passage, according to an Armenian
group in the United States.
The Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) urged the Armenian
community on its Web site to take action and increase pressure on
their representatives in Congress to support the resolution, which
says Armenians were subject to genocide in eastern Anatolia during
World War I. ANCA also says 31 senators in the 100-member Senate
support a separate resolution to the same effect. In remarks published
in the newspaper The Jewish Advocate, Turkish Ambassador to the United
States Nabi ªensoy called on American Jewish groups to oppose what he
called an "act of grave injustice" against Turkey. ªensoy said a
recent decision by an influential US Jewish group, the Anti-Defamation
League (ADL), to endorse the Armenian claims surprised and
disappointed the Turks.


Today’s Zaman

Source: =detay&link=121503

Kafian Jirair:
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