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Duduk’s Homeland Is Only Armenia, Jivan Gasparian Says


Noyan Tapan
Sep 7, 2007

YEREVAN, SEPTEMBER 7, NOYAN TAPAN. RA People’s Artist, duduk player
Jivan Gasparian, also took part in the concert under the title
"Another Two Steps For World’s Peace" held on September 1 in Ankara
in connection with the World Peace Day. The Armenian musician had
received the invitation to take part in the concert from Turkey’s
Ministry of Culture.

As J. Gasparian said at the September 7 press conference, during the
concert he had performed works by Sayat-Nova, Makar Yekmalian and
Komitas, as well as a number of Armenian folk songs. Besides, the
duduk player had performed by a duet with Turkish saz player Yavuz
Bingyol. According to J. Gasparian, his performances received a warm
welcome by the Turkish spectators.

In his interview to one of Turkish TV companies J. Gasparian said
that he does not discriminate between nations and wishes everybody to
become brothers. And in response to a Turkish journalist’s question,
why Armenians consider duduk widely known in the world as their
instrument, while Turks also play that instrument, J. Gasparian said
that "duduk’s homeland is only Armenia and naturally, it is only an
Armenian instrument."

Torosian Aram:
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