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Month Of Armenian Art Opens In Washington


Noyan Tapan
Sep 7, 2007

WASHINGTON, SEPTEMBER 7, NOYAN TAPAN. Month of Armenian Art dedicated
to the 16th anniversary of the RA Independence has been opened with
a solemn ceremony in Washington, in the main annex of the World Bank
on September 5.

The Month has been organized on the initiative of the RA Embassy in
the U.S. jointly with the WB Art Program.

As Noyan Tapan was informed by the Press and Information Department of
the RA Ministry of Foreign Affairs, pieces of the Armenian modern fine
arts, more than 40 sculptures and paintings of 16 Armenian creators,
are exhibited in the hall of the WB main annex within the framework
of the Armenian Art Month. Concert of Armenian medieval music was
also held in the WB concert hall on the opening day.

During the event, Tatul Margarian, the RA Ambassador to the U.S. and
Marina Galvani, the Director of the World Bank Art Program, made
opening speeches.

More than 200 guests, including high-ranking officials of the
U.S. State Department and the World Bank, WB staff members, clergymen
of the Armenian Apostolic Church in U.S., as well as representatives
of the American Armenian community were present at the opening ceremony
of the Month and at the concert.

Torosian Aram:
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