Big Brother 8: An Interview With Zach’s Long Time Friend, Rage

September 09, 2007, 09:17:04 PM

An Interview with Zach’s Long Time Friend, Rage by honeySC

I was able to get in touch with Rage, a good friend of Zach
Swerdzewski, who is one of the final three houseguests vying for the
half million dollars on Big Brother 8 this summer. Rage graciously
shared his view of Zach.

How long have you known Zach Swerdzewski?

I have known Zach for six years, which is a long time in LA.

Can you tell us how you view your friendship?

He is the best friend in the world and incredibly loyal. He can be
a very straightforward person at times, but it is never done in an
angry, hurtful way.

Zach has been acused of being racist. What is your response to that?

As for him being prejudiced, I can’t help but laugh my a** off
considering that before he went on the show, his last roommate was
openly gay. Zach has a multitude of friends spanning the spectrum from
Armenians to African Americans. These are people we call friends and
not just people on the street that we say hello to. So no, he is not
in any way racist.

How would you characterize Zach?

Remember that kid in school who would stand beside you when you were
about to get in a fight, and even though you both knew that you were
gonna get your a** kicked, he said, "You are my friend and I ain’t
going nowhere?" Well, meet Zach. He is that kind of friend, the kind
that will stand beside you, the friend you can really count on when
you need one.

Zach may be facing America’s vote through America’s Player in just
a few days. Is there anything you can tell us to help us decide how
to cast that vote?

Well, ED’s firends have all been on camera proclaiming that for all the
profanity, spewing, controlling patterns, and all the other wonderful
stuff, that he is actually the best friend in the world and incredibly
loyal. With Zach, you can take out all the negative and there you
have Zach. And that spoiled little kid in school who always acted
out and got what he wanted by doing so, that kid who hated himself
and felt he had to demean everybody? That is ED. Now remember the
kid who stood up for you and stood by you even in a losing battle,
who made you stronger just by standing with you? That is Zach. So,
America, you decide who you would rather win, and look at what kind
of behavior you are rewarding.

Tvgrapevine would like to thank you, Rage, for your time and for
sharing with us.