Categories: News

Eleven Canvases Stolen In Moscow


20:08 08/09/2007

On Vasilov Street in Moscow, unknown persons entered the office of
a taxi service and stolen 11 paintings by an Armenian painter. The
paintings are valued at 2.4 million rubles. As relayed by "Ria
Novosti," police have photographed the scene of the crime and have
taken fingerprints. A criminal case has been started, under the fourth
point of article 158 of the Russian criminal code (major crime). The
code requires a seven year prison sentence if convicted.

We point out that a similar crime was committed this summer, when
works of Martiros Saryan, Jovani Belini, Vasili Shebun, Hovhannes
Ayvazovsky, and 13 other painters were stolen from a pensioner’s
house. Thieves broke the glass on the door of the 7th floor balcony
when the home’s owner appeared on the scene.

Vasilian Manouk:
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