Reflection On The 1992-1994 Genocide In Abkhazia

Written by Ramaz Mitaishvili

Abkhazia, CA
Saturday, 08 September 2007

Genocide of GeorgiansSpecial Events will be taking place of
Reflection on the 1992-1994 Genocide in Abkhazia. On September 27,
2007, commemorative events will be taking place in Washington DC
(USA), London (UK), and Riga (Latvia), as well as many cities around
the globe.

In Washington DC, Under-Georgian Embassy in United States, and in
London Under-Embassy of Georgia in United Kingdom will represent the
many foreign diplomats and some of senators at the ceremonies. In
all those places, there will be a meeting, and high-level panel
discussions will be held in Washington DC and London.

In Washington DC, Vasili Rukhadze (AISER) will address a special
one-hour commemorative meeting being held within the framework of
the United Nations Commission on Human Rights. The Andrew Andersen
will make an important speech which will address the prevention
of genocide. His speech will be made following two minutes of
silence which will be observed at 12:00 noon. The speeches will be
webcast. It is possibility, that photo exhibition will be held in
Yerevan (Armenia), Kiev (Ukraine), Warszawa (Poland). Among invited
are almost all countries representatives,including senators high rank
diplomats and celebrities.

A number of events to observe the Day of Reflection on the 1992-
1994 Genocide of Georgians in Abkhazia are planned at RM Global Health
Headquarters in Glendale, CA. The prezident of RMGH Ramaz Mitaishvili,
MD has announced that on September 27 at 12:00 noon local time, the
RM Global Health (employees and contractors not involved in medical
services), Abkhazia Institute of Social and Economic Reaserch, Gagua
Pro, GH USC, GHCSC will observe one minute of silence in memory of
the victims of the genocide.