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"Armmono" 5th Festival To Open Today


16:26 12/09/2007

Fifth Shakespeare International Theater Festival of mono performance
will ceremonially open at the Theater of Young Audience late today,
Mane Lazarian, festival coordinator, told Panorama.am. In her words,
the festival will close on September 18 with "Hamlet" staged. The
festival will open with "Treatise on Handkerchief" staged by the
actors of Tbilisi Theater after Rustavely.

Actors from Australia, Russia, Ukraine, Georgia, Germany, Iran as
well as eight actors from different theaters of Yerevan will take part
in the festival. In Lazarian’s words, this festival is no different
than others.

Within the framework of the festival, "Macbeth" of Yerevan Drama
Theater will be staged. All 18 performances will be free of charge
under the high auspices Prime Minister Serzh Sargsyan.

The first "Armmono" international festival took place on September
24, 2003.

Harutyunian Christine:
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