Categories: News

"Holy Armenia: Come Home" Has Opened


19:26 11/09/2007

"The Armenian Year in France has turned into a real victory,"
said Serge Smesov, France’s ambassador in Armenia, during opening
ceremonies of the "Holy Armenia: Come Home" exhibition. In his words,
the exhibition gives Frenchmen and others the opportunity to come
and see the worth of Armenia’s cultural and historical monuments.

Foreign minister Vardan Oskanyan, also present at the ceremonies,
also highly rated the exhibition, saying, "We presented Armenian
culture in Paris, and since this happened in such an important place,
we can safely say we presented our culture internationally."

As part of the Parisian "Holy Armenia" exhibition, two hundred samples
from the Matenadaran and the Armenian History Museum, including 32
khachkars from the 4th to 18th century, were displayed. We add that
this exhibition was also presented in London.

Nahapetian Boris:
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