The Devil Is Not As Terrible As He Is Painted

By A. Haroutiunian, Translated by A. M.

AZG Armenian Daily #165

UN Agenda Articles Have Not Been Formulated as Resolutions

The Co-Chairmen of the OSCE Minsk Group, as well as other international
structures many times noticed that initiatives on the settlement
of the Karabakh conflict, sticking out of the Minsk Group format,
can hardly benefit the peace negotiation process.

The Minsk Group members pointed out the GUAM initiative on local
conflicts and noted that discussion of the peace process on Karabakh
in instances other than the Minsk Group may hamper the negotiations.

The Azerbaijani press announced with triumph that the question of the
"Occupated territories of Azerbaijan" has been included in the agenda
of the 62nd session of the UN General Assembly. In connection with
that the cabinet of the President of Azerbaijan announced about the
"success of the foreign policy of Azerbaijan". In fact the UN has
not officially formulated its attitude to the GUAM initiative in
any draft or resolution, while Azerbaijani cynically represents the
situation as a result of "great efforts" of Baku.

Already during the 61st session of the General Assembly two articles,
referring immediately to the issue of Nagorno-Karabakh, were to be
discussed. One of them was submitted by Azerbaijan, and the other by
GUAM. As the Spokesman of the Armenian Foreign Ministry informs, both
the articles were not considered and were left for the next session.

The articles of a session agenda can be left for the next session
only in case a relevant resolution is adopted or in case the General
Assembly makes corresponding decision, which can be argued by each
of the member states.

The efforts of the Azerbaijani side to shatter the present format of
international peace process on Nagorno-Karabakh have negative effect
and prove unwillingness of Azerbaijan to find solution to the conflict.

Whatever, the Foreign Minister of Armenia is to take part in the 62nd
session of the UN General Assembly.

Azerbaijan is also to be represented by its Foreign Minister, while
president Georgia Mikhail Saakashvili decided to undertake that
errand himself.

Referring to the issue of the "Occupied territories of Azerbaijan,"
we should remind than another article with similar phrasing, dedicated
to wood fires on the Azerbaijan-Armenia border, has been already
discussed on the 60th session. In any case that article contains no
accusations against the Armenian side.

The issue of the GUAM initiative on local conflicts, which displays
complex approach to conflicts in Karabakh, Dniester, South Osetia
and Abkhazia has not been formulated in any resolution or bill, either.

Being submitted to discussion during the previous session, this issue
was omitted, for most part due to Russia’s interests. The stance
of Armenia in this case still remains unchangeable; if the Kosovo
conflict can’t be considered a precedent for other local conflicts,
the same must be also said about South Osetia, Abkhazia, Dniester and
Nagorno-Karabakh, as each of them is unique and can’t be identified
with the rest.

Somehow or other, Azerbaijan failed to submit a resolution during a
whole year, and as a resolt both the articles were left for discussion
on the 62nd session. Therefore, statements by Azerbaijani authorities
about the success of their diplomacy are at least groundless.