PM: No Threat To Security Of Nagorno-Karabakh


13/09/2007 11:02

YEREVAN, September 12. /ARKA/. There is no threat to the security
of Nagorno-Karabakh, said Armenia’s Prime Minister Serge Sargsyan in
the National Assembly.

"I am sure that today there is no threat to the security of the
NKR, even if taking into account the rapid economic development of
Azerbaijan due to its oil factor," he said.

Sargsyan informed in the issue of Karabakh conflict settlement there
are not new developments yet.

According to the Premier, everything develops on the planned scenario
– at the end of the week the region will be visited by the Co-Chairs
of the OSCE MG, who will meet the heads of Armenia, Azerbaijan and
the NKR.

"We should attentively follow the development of events in Azerbaijan.

If analyzing the declarations of the Azerbaijani heads, we will see
that their aims are not implemented," he said.

He reminded that Azerbaijan’s President Ilham Aliev promised that
in 2007 Azerbaijan’s military budget will equal the whole budget of
Armenia, however, he did not keep his promise.

The Karabakh conflict broke out in 1988, when Nagorno-Karabakh
populated by Armenians declared secession from Azerbaijan.

On December 10, 1991, just a few days before the collapse of the
Soviet Union, a referendum was conducted in Nagorno-Karabakh with
the presence of international observers. At this referendum, 99.89%
of population voted for independence.

Responding to that, Azerbaijan launched a large-scale war against
Nagorno-Karabakh. The military offensives were stopped after a
cease-fire agreement was signed in May 12, 1994. The agreement is
observed now as well, and talks between Armenia and Azerbaijan are
under way.

Starting from 1992 negotiations on the peaceful settlement of the
conflict have being held within the OSCE Minsk Group, the Co-Chairs
of which are the USA, Russia and France.