BAKU: Azerbaijani President: We Do Not Need To Pretend To Have Talks


Azeri Press Agency
[ 13 Sep 2007 15:00 ]

"I have received an invitation from President Valdas Adamkus to the
energy summit in Vilnius, and I will participate at the summit with
great pleasure," Azerbaijan’s President Ilham Aliyev said in interview
to Verslo zinios/ Business news newspaper and Verslo klase/ Business
class journal published in Lithuania, APA reports quoting Azertag
state agency.

President Ilham Aliyev said Azerbaijan’s energy policy is committed
to partnership with friendly countries.

"Azerbaijan produces nearly million barrels of oil per day. This is
in correspondence with the power of the main export pipeline. We have
started extraction in Shah Deniz field the resources of which are more
than 1 trillion cubic meters. Generally, confirmed gas resources of
our only two or three fields are equal to 1.5 trillion cubic meters,"
the head of state reported.

Azerbaijani President voiced hope for Azeri gas entering the market
of European Union this year.

"Various new oil and gas projects are connected with our country. For
instance, Nabucco project though first it was not planned, not it
is connected with Azerbaijan. Turkey-Greece-Italy gas pipeline,
Odessa-Brodi gas pipeline also concern Azerbaijan. So, we are
cooperating in a constructive way with our partners in region according
to our interests," he stressed.

President Aliyev also commented on TransCaspian gas pipeline to be
constructed through the Caspian Sea depth.

"This pipeline is not for transportation of Azerbaijani oil. The
project entails transportation of east Caspian energy resources
through our territory.

Our country has joined the Energy Charter, and Azerbaijan would
provide operation of these transit routes in its territory. We do
not intent to initiate such project as we never did it. The press
sometimes writes that Azerbaijan is interested in construction of
Trans-Caspian oil and gas pipelines. We are not initiators, we are
attendees of the projects. There is an intergovernmental agreement
between Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan on this issue. If oil producers
wish to transport the oil through Azerbaijan, we will present our
potential," the President stressed.

The head of state also touched upon the solution of the Nagorno
Karabakh conflict. I have many times stated that our patience is not
endless. The negotiating process should have a framework, that is time
framework. If we are absolutely sure that negotiations will be in vain,
we have a right to restore our territorial integrity by all means,
including military way and we do not conceal this," he said.

Ilham Aliyev stated that Armenia tries to deceive the mediators in
the negotiation process.

"It is clear to all that Armenia tries to deceive mediators in the
negotiation process, prolongs the process for personal political
ambitions. But prolongation of the process is not in their favor. We
are increasing defense expenditures. These expenditures are equal to
the expenditures that Armenia spends for the whole country. Azerbaijan
can not be compared with Armenia for its economy. Economy in our
country is expected to make up approximately $25-30 billion, this
indicator will not be more than $4-5 billion in Armenia. According to
calculations of the World Bank, Azerbaijan will gain over $200 billion
from oil export in coming 20 years. If taking into consideration
that we have no serious problems except the Nagorno Karabakh problem,
we will do everything to liberate our regions.

Armenia should realize that they would better leave our regions by
their own free will," he said.

The President also touched on negotiations carried out in the framework
of the Prague process.

"We have been participating in the Prague process envisaging settlement
mechanisms since 2004. All the other options were examined, but they
gave no result.

If the Prague format gives no result, then we will speak about nothing
principally. There remains no theme for negotiations," he said.

The head of the state said that he does not agree with opinions that
the OSCE Minsk Group has no mote political potential.

"Though it gives no result, I can not say anything bad about OSCE
Minsk Group and the co-chairs. They are working on it seriously,
and try to reach an agreement. We should support their activity. If
Armenia shows constructiveness at present and take into account the
proposals of Minsk Group, the conflict would be solved," he said.