Categories: News

Humanistic Professions In Demand


20:37 14/09/2007

Of the 930 places designated by YSU for correspondence learning, 386
applications have been received. Most of the applications have been
to study the English language and literature, with 50 application
for 60 places; 38 applications for 50 places in Armenian language
and literature; and 35 applications for 30 places in the law faculty.

Vachakan Galstyan, YSU’s secretary for admittance to the program,
told a panorama.am journalist that the law faculty is the only one that
received more applications than there were places. Not one application
was received to study the German language and literature. The least
applications received were for mathematics, where two applications were
received for 30 places, French, and sociology. For these professions,
three applications were received for 30 places. In Galstyan’s words,
for the five fields of economy, 20 applications were received for
each of the 40 places.

We note that the deadline to apply for the correspondence program
is September 20. Admittance exams will take place from October 1 to
October 12. We remind that admittance to the program relates to 28
professions from 16 faculties at YSU.

Tashjian Arbi:
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