Destruction Of Christian Cemeteries; The Azerbaijani Proved To Be Ta


13.09.2007 GMT+04:00

Once again Baku confirmed the fact that all the statements about the
imaginary "genocides" of the Jewish and Russian Nations committed by
the Armenians are nothing but an attempt to hide their own deeds.

After destruction of a medieval Armenian cemetery in Old Jugha in
Nakhichevan and understanding that for destroying old cemeteries
Azerbaijan will maximum have to fear of some reproach from EC and even
UNO, Baku now headed for the cemeteries where Christians and Jews
are buried. With the unacceptable excuse of motorway construction
Christian cemeteries, where a large number of Armenians, Jews and
Russians are buried, are being destroyed in Baku.

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ As the Chief Engineer of Civil Service Trust
Firuz Askerov announced, "The rumors about pulling down the graves
in Narimanovski Cemetery are mere fabrications. They are here to
work on the construction of the road near the cemetery." According
to him, up to this day 134 graves have been moved from this cemetery
to the Cemetery of Govsanakh. F. Askerov mentioned that besides Azeri
graves there are also Russian, Georgian, Tatar graves in the cemetery
(by the way, there was no mention about the Armenian graves). He
underlined that "only the graves which impede the construction works
will be removed."

Nothing was mentioned about the dates of the completion of the
construction works.

According to the co-chairman of the Russian community in Azerbaijan
Alexander Alekseev, at present, by instructions of officials,
using the building machinery supposedly for the road construction,
burial places and gravestones are being destroyed. "The instruction
of the Baku mayor itself is not correct from juridical point of view,
since according to the sanitary regulations decision of 1977, which is
still in force, before any construction works are carried out on the
territory of cemetery, the cemetery must be closed for 50 years. This
cemetery is not closed, it still functions, and the last funerals in
this very cemetery were registered two weeks ago," said A. Alekseev.

What is going on in cemetery at the moment may be qualified as nothing
else but vandalism; graves and gravestones are being destroyed,
150 m of the cemetery has already been covered up with earth, there
are no trees left. Destruction of more than 100 graves is more than
just a crime. If the reburial is necessary, it can be done in a more
civilized way, the way it is accepted all over the world. The Jewish
News Agency says, that according to several members of Jewish Diaspora
in Baku, "the ones working on the cemetery dig the graves and treat
the bodies of Jewish people buried there as debris." The director of
the cemetery said that there had been no problems with the relatives
of the deceased so far.

There is nothing new or surprising about the way Azeri treat the
deceased. It is the country’s policy of extermination of people of
other nationality. Russian and Jewish cemeteries in Azerbaijan will
have the same fate as the Armenian cemeteries in Sumgait, Gandzak,
which were destroyed and cleaned out. The Armenian graves made of
marble were swept away, and after the notes on the gravestones were
erased, they were sold as construction materials. The Armenian Church
in Gandzak is turned into chaikhana, the Armenian temples in Karabakh
are left in ruins. The Azerbaijani proved to be talented students of
Ottoman-Turks; as it is well-known they also pulled down more than
3000 memorials of the Armenian Architecture. Thus Baku’s unwillingness
to allow the UNESCO Mission on cultural memorial protection and the
Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe Mission to visit
Azerbaijan is more than understandable. Once again Baku confirmed
the fact that all the statements about the imaginary "genocides"
of the Jewish and Russian Nations committed by the Armenians are
nothing but an attempt to hide their own deeds.