Categories: News

Azerbaijani Soldier Is Returned


18-09-2007 17:48:42

On June 30 the soldiers of the NKR Defense Army detained Djafarov
Ashraf Mohubat Oghli, a citizen of Azerbaijan born in 1985 in the town
of Garachukhur and residing in the village of Uchoghlan, Aghdam, on
crossing the line of contact of the armed forces of Nagorno-Karabakh
and Azerbaijan near Aghdam. A. Djafarov had no identification and
on detention he introduced himself as Guliyev Samandar Namaz oghli,
born in Shushi and residing in the village of Uchoglan.

Considering the state of health of A. Djafarov, NKR President Bako
Sahakyan displayed good faith and decided to return him to Azerbaijan.

The head of the NKR Government Commission Victor Kocharyan said
the government of Nagorno-Karabakh is hopeful that the Azerbaijani
government will also display good faith and will release two of our
compatriots who have been imprisoned by the Azerbaijani side for a
long time now.

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