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Baku Strives To Enlist Support From UN Member States Regarding The I


15.09.2007 GMT+04:00

GUAM Countries simply fuse conflicts with anti-Russian dispositions.

The UN is made up of 192 countries, 2/3 of which do not even
have any idea about the conflict existing between Azerbaijan and
Nagorno-Karabakh. Placing the issue of "frozen conflicts" on the
territory of the Member States of the "Organization for Democracy
and Economic Development; i.e. GUAM" on the agenda of 62nd General
Assembly of the UNO aims at nothing else but PR.

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ It is called to convince particularly the population
of Azerbaijan that the country’s leaders put all the efforts for
the regulation of Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict to their favor. It was
not in vain that the Head of the Department of Foreign Relations of
Azeri President’s Executive Office Novruz Mamedov announced proudly;
"Discussion of the issue of "frozen conflicts" on GUAM territory
during the UN General Assembly speaks of the undeniable success in
Azerbaijan’s foreign policy."

By October 3, when the issue will be under discussion, the official
Baku will strive to enlist support from different States. For
instance, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Nepal Sahana Pradhan
announced that his country will support Azerbaijan throughout the
course of upcoming discussions of the issue of "frozen conflicts"
on the territory of GUAM Member Countries on the 62nd session of UN
General Assembly. Most likely in coming days the Faroe Islands, Bhutan
and some other states included in the Organization of the Islamic
Conference will join Nepal. Though it should be mentioned that among
Islamic Countries there are some which, if not say support Armenia,
at least co-operate with Russia, which is also against the above
mentioned discussions. Once again Azerbaijan will try to mislead the
World Community, this time together with Georgia and Moldova. GUAM
Countries simply fuse conflicts with anti-Russian dispositions.

It is clear that the Azeri Minister of Foreign Affairs will surely
mention the "20% of the Azeri territory occupied by the Armenian
Armed Forces and 1 million refugees"… Baku has no other argument,
and it will never have.

Meanwhile the RA Minister of Foreign Affairs Vartan Oskanyan
thinks that the adoption of the Resolution on "frozen" conflicts in
post-Soviet areas will complicate the process of Nagorno-Karabakh
Conflict regulation. "I must say I have the impression that the
countries interested in the stabilization of the region of South
Caucasus and of the process of Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict regulation,
are negatively disposed towards the possible adoption of the Resolution
on "frozen" conflicts in post-Soviet areas," mentioned the RA Minister
of Foreign Affairs.

According to his words, GUAM Countries announce that the adoption
of issue of the "frozen" conflicts has the only aim of introducing
it to the UN Member States. "If these statements are true, what’s
the need of adopting any resolution, if just a discussion may be
organized? During the meeting with the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon
in New York I informed him about the complications the adoption of the
Resolution may lead to, introduced the Armenian viewpoint and what
measures the Armenian side may take if the Resolution is adopted,"
underlined Oskanyan.

The First Deputy Foreign Minister Vladimir Yastrebchak of Transnistria
Vladimir Yastrebchak also expressed his worry regarding the mentioned
issue. "We understand that former metropolises try to impose
their point of view to the World Community regarding self-defined
States. Their aim is to take advantage of UN support up to the adoption
of the UN sanction and gain mandate to carry out military operations.

However, such arrangement of the issue, even if it is taken up to
the UN, is clear not to contribute to any fair regulation in our
countries. The will of the people of Transnistria, South Ossetia,
Abkhazia and Nagorno-Karabakh mustn’t be left ignored; it may have
dangerous outcomes. Neither European Union, nor Russia or GUAM
Countries are interested in conflicts stepping into a "less frozen"
phase. We don’t believe that local wars and conflicts are of any
interest to the members of the World Community," said Yastrebchak.

Tambiyan Samvel:
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