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Who Is Hiding Behind Offers To Clear Javakhk From Armenians?


19.09.2007 15:15 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Day.az web site has posted a statement allegedly
made by the Union of Compatriots of Georgia (UCG), who are "launching
a war against Armenian occupants of Samtskhe Javakheti." The statement
signed by UCG chairman Gogi Chipashvili says, in part, "From this
day, September 18, the UCG consisting of 2500 Georgian patriots
and their volunteer armed groups are starting a war against Armenian
separatists. We are not going to tolerate the occupation of Armenians,
who have seized the lands of our ancestors. Any time we are ready
to take up arms against mercenary Armenians. We call on the Georgian
government, especially on President Mikhael Saakashvili to be cautious
and not encourage Armenian separatism, because the head of the state
will be responsible for collisions and bloodshed. We do not expect
any assistance from government in this guerrilla war. We do call on
the sons of Georgia to join us in the name of glory of our country."

It’s curious that Day.az has embellished the publication with comments
calling on the readers "to feel the menace of a new war in the South
Caucasus being provoked by Georgian Armenians for this once."

Meanwhile, representative of the Georgian Diocese of the Armenian
Apostolic Church, Levon Isakhanian said that the statement is "absurd
from beginning to end."

"The Georgian security service would immediately prevent such
actions. To be honest, the story is just ridiculous. What can 2500
people do against 100-thousand population of Javakhk? But the most
interesting fact is that the statement was circulated by an Azeri
portal while Georgia is absolutely unaware," Isakhanian stressed.

For his part, senior exert of the Caucasus Media Institute, historian
and political scientist Sergei Minasyan told a PanARMENIAN.Net
reporter, "The statement by the Union of Compatriots of Georgia is
a figment. It just can’t be."

A similar comment was received from Javakhk News Agency editor
Armen Grigoryan. "No one in Javakhk heard either of the UCG or its
intentions. By the way, text of the statement imitates the style of
articles published by Azeri press," he noted.

Jilavian Emma:
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