BAKU: Armenians detained me in Shusha, says Azerbaijani captive

Azeri Press Agency

Armenians detained me in Shusha, says Azerbaijani captive Ashraf
Jafarov who was handed over to Azerbaijan today

[ 21 Sep 2007 17:19 ]

Armenians detained me in Shusha, Resident of Uchoglan village of
Aghdam region, Ashraf Mohubbat Jafarov who has been handed over to the
Azerbaijani authorities today said, APA’s Karabakh bureau reports.

Jafarov said that he could make observations while being taken to the
district he was released. `I do not know the names of several places
I saw. But I saw that new houses were built,’ he said. Jafarov did
not say anything on his undergoing tortures when he was captured.