Categories: News

King Congratulates Leaders on the Occasion of Their National Days

Jordan News Agency (Petra), Jordan

6/ King Congratulates a Number of Leaders on the Occasion of Their
Countries National Days

For newspapers….

Amman, Sept. 20 (Petra) – His Majesty King Abdullah II sent a cable to
King Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz of Saudi Arabia congratulating him on the
occasion of his country’s national day.

His Majesty wished the Saudi Monarch continued good health and
happiness and the Saudi people further progress and prosperity.

The King also sent similar cables to the President of Mali Amadou
Toure, Maltese President Edward Fenech Adami and Armenian President
Robert Kocharian in which he congratulated them on the occasion of
their countries’ national days.


20/09/2007 13:53:19

Karagyozian Lena:
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