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Meeting of experts under Paris Pact over in Turkmenistan

Turkmenistan.ru, Turkmenistan

21.09.07 11:25

Meeting of experts under Paris Pact over in Turkmenistan

The three-day meeting of experts from the Caspian States and Caucuses
under the Paris Pact envisioning drug abuse and crime control
organized by the Government of Turkmenistan and the State Drug
Fighting Coordination Commission at the Cabinet of Ministers of
Turkmenistan has finished its work in seaside Turkmenbashi city.

According to the Turkmen State News Agency (TDH), during the Caspian
?round table? meeting concrete measures aimed at ensuring the
coordination of efforts of the world community in creating a reliable
system of control over spreading of drugs, psychotropic substances,
precursors, preventing their illegal production and turnover were

The participants listened to the reports of Erjan Saka, UNODC resident
Coordinator in Turkmenistan, and James Callahan, UNODK Regional
Representative in Central Asia. The development of operational
strategies and action plans of regions and countries in this area was
reflected in the statement of the EC representative. Issues of
personnel training in fighting illegal drug trafficking presented by
the Russian and US experts were also discussed.

Reports of the heads of delegations of Armenia and Georgia on the
results reached in the frames of realization of the special South
Caucasian Anti-Drug Program (SCAD) were presented in the lst day of
the meeting. The presentation made by the European Commission was
devoted to the issues of development of international cooperation,
defining the priority goal and areas of joint actions of Eurasian
states, strengthening the capacity of countries of the Caspian region
and Caucuses in fighting the drug trafficking and drug abuse. The
representatives of Poland, Dublin Group for Eastern Europe,
Organization of the Collective Security Treaty, Interpol and OCSE also
touched upon these issues in their statements.

Hambardsumian Paul:
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