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No place for genocide denial

Commentary: No place for genocide denial

By Laura Boghosian
GateHouse News Service
Thu Sep 20, 2007, 05:40 AM EDT

Lexington –

Can a program that combats hate crimes be sponsored by an organization
engaged in genocide denial?

Not according to Boston-area No Place for Hate communities that have
cut ties with the program sponsored by the Anti-Defamation League, due
to that organization’s refusal to recognize unambiguously the Armenian

Last month, Watertown’s Town Council voted unanimously to withdraw
from the NPFH program. Arlington’s NPFH steering committee also voted
to suspend its involvement.

Belmont’s Human Rights Commission next voted unanimously to recommend
their Board of Selectmen sever ties. Likewise, Newton’s Human Rights
Commission voted unanimously "to immediately cease participation"
until the ADL "unequivocally recognizes the Armenian Genocide and
actively supports" a congressional resolution affirming the genocide.
Several other communities are debating withdrawing.

Concerned town residents are asking Lexington also sever its
association with the No Place for Hate program.

During "the first genocide of the 20th century," 1.5 million Armenians
were massacred beginning in 1915 by the Ottoman Turkish government;
survivors were exiled from their ancient, ancestral homeland. Many of
the genocide’s perpetrators later held high government positions in
the new Republic of Turkey. Turkey denies it committed genocide
against the Armenians.

Yet the word "genocide" was coined by Rafael Lemkin, a Polish-Jewish
lawyer, who said he "became interested in genocide because it happened
to the Armenians" and the Turkish "criminals were guilty of genocide
and were not punished." This travesty emboldened Hitler: he justified
his invasion of Poland by asking his generals, "Who today, after all,
speaks of the annihilation of the Armenians?"

In 1997, the world’s foremost organization of genocide experts, The
International Association of Genocide Scholars, unanimously passed a
formal resolution that affirmed the Armenian Genocide. Responding to a
2005 call by the Turkish prime minister for "impartial study by
historians," the IAGS branded this not scholarship, but propaganda, in
order "to absolve the perpetrator, blame the victims, and erase the
ethical meaning of this history."

Numerous countries, including Canada, France, Russia, Sweden, Italy,
Argentina, Lebanon, and Germany have formally recognized the Armenian
Genocide; in Switzerland, it is a crime to deny it.

Currently, there are resolutions before Congress to recognize the
Armenian Genocide. Similar resolutions have been blocked for years by
Turkey and American Jewish organizations, including the ADL.

Numerous reports in the Jewish press detail the ADL’s lobbying against
recognition, including efforts earlier this year after meeting with
Turkey’s foreign minister.

As the ADL’s position on the Armenian Genocide became widely known,
the local Jewish community and others engaged in human rights work
strongly supported Armenians. Pressure from the ADL’s New England
region and its director forced the ADL to reevaluate its stance on the

Thus, on Aug. 21, the ADL announced, "We have never negated but have
always described the painful events of 1915-1918 perpetrated by the
Ottoman Empire against the Armenians as massacres and atrocities …
the consequences of those actions were indeed tantamount to genocide."

This cleverly worded statement, however, is not an acknowledgment of
the Armenian Genocide. First, there is the qualifier "tantamount."
More critical, however, is the word "consequences." The international
legal definition of genocide rests upon "intent." Turkey acknowledges
many Armenians died as a consequence of World War I conditions. It
denies, however, there was an intentional policy of genocide. With its
duplicitous phrasing, the ADL abets Turkey’s genocide denial.

Further, the ADL reiterated its refusal to support the congressional
resolution recognizing the genocide, calling it "a counterproductive

On Aug. 23, echoing Turkey’s call for "impartial study," the ADL
suggested "further dispassionate scholarly examination" of the
genocide. Would the ADL advocate this with Holocaust deniers?
Clearly, the ADL has not changed its egregious behavior.

In fact, the Turkish press reports the ADL wrote to Prime Minister
Erdogan, expressing its sorrow for the discomfort the so-called
acknowledgement caused Turkey’s leadership and people. Erdogan
announced, "The wrong step that has been taken is corrected … They
said they shared our sensitivity and expressed the mistake they made
[and] will continue to give us all the support they have given so

Which brings us back to Lexington and its No Place for Hate program.
There can be no doubt that Lexington’s group of dedicated volunteers
has done extremely valuable work in our community.

Yet this crucial work is compromised by its ADL association. Genocide
denial is the final stage of genocide. An organization that engages in
genocide denial does not have the moral authority to sponsor a human
rights organization. After all, rights must be for all, not just for

Lexington is a caring community that abounds with intelligent, active
citizens. There is no reason we cannot independently, through a
town-sponsored committee, continue human rights work without the
baggage that comes with ADL sponsorship. Lexington should do the right
thing and join our neighbors in severing ties with the ADL.

Laura Boghosian is a resident of Russell Road.

Source: 62967

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Emil Lazarian: “I should like to see any power of the world destroy this race, this small tribe of unimportant people, whose wars have all been fought and lost, whose structures have crumbled, literature is unread, music is unheard, and prayers are no more answered. Go ahead, destroy Armenia . See if you can do it. Send them into the desert without bread or water. Burn their homes and churches. Then see if they will not laugh, sing and pray again. For when two of them meet anywhere in the world, see if they will not create a New Armenia.” - WS
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