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Prime Minister: Tomorrow’s Armenia will be better than today’s


19:09 21/09/2007

Prime Minister: Tomorrow’s Armenia will be better than

This morning, on the occasion of Armenian Independence
Day, everyone from the government went to Yerablur,
including the president, prime minister, the president
of Karabakh, the Catholicos of all Armenians,
ministers, and other officials. They all paid their
respects to the memory of the fallen freedom fighters
at the cemetery. "I offer my congratulations on the
occasion of this independence day. I wish this holiday
to remain eternal, that the Armenian people celebrate
this holiday for 1,000 years," Serge Sargsyan said to
journalists during an interview. To the question as to
what was being done to strengthen the country’s
independence, he said that it was difficult to go into
details during the holiday, as to what the government
was doing to become stronger and develop. "But
progress does exist, which makes it possible to say
that tomorrow’s Armenia will be better than today’s,"
the prime minister underlined, adding, "we will be
better able to talk about this question after the
government presents the 2008 budget to the National
Assembly. The budget is a very exact document, which
when reading the numbers, is very impressive." To the
journalists curiousity about his opinion about the new
government in Karabakh, he said that time would have
to pass so that it could be seen how well that
government works, and since the new government was
just formed, it would take three-four months to form a
solid opinion. "As always, though, our opinion about
Karabakh’s government will be positive," the prime
minister said, adding, "What do you want me to say? Do
you want me to say that we are assisting, cooperating?
It would be an understatement to talk about that, as
Karabakh is a leading issue for us. In any event, the
population of Karabakh can be confident that all
changes taking place in Armenia can affect their
social condition only in a positive way."

Source: Panorama.am

Vorskanian Yeghisabet:
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