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The Golden Year of the Armenian Food Festival

Golden Gate [X]Press, CA

The Golden Year of the Armenian Food Festival

by Jacqueline Hernandez, staff producer
September 21, 2007 10:07 AM

With friendly smiles on their faces, volunteers proudly cooked, served
and hosted guests during the 50th Annual Armenian Food Festival at 825
Brotherhood Way in San Francisco from Sept. 14 through 16.

Undoubtedly, Armenian traditional food and pastries, such as,
sou-berag, kebab or baklava still are the best part of the bazaar.

`If anyone wants a real treat, this is the place to be,’ festival
attendee Alice Patrocian said.

But these goodies are the result of the hard-working men and women who
helped before and during the festival.

According to organizer Sako Shirikian, at least 350 volunteers helped
in the bazaar, where about 7,000 people enjoyed of the Armenian
culture with their families.

Click the link on the right to view the multimedia…

» E-mail Jacqueline Hernandez @ jhernand@sfsu.edu

Jagharian Tania:
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