The Imagination Of A Real Armenian Is Really Bright


Hayoc Ashkharh
21 Sept 2007

They Want To Get Up And See Magic

Member of "Bargavach Hayastan" parliamentary faction Vardan
Bostanjyan hosted "Urbat" club yesterday.

The MP firstly evaluated the work of their fraction during the
first four days in the Parliament," I would like to evaluate our entry
in the activity of the National Assembly as "good". It is too early to
speak about professionalism, in terms of discipline I must mention
that unlike previous times all the MPs have been present during the
sessions and that their activity hasn’t been limited only by being
present in the sittings they had active participation in the
discussions as well. "
As for the legislative initiatives submitted by Bargavach Hayastan
Party (BHP), they are various and they need discussion within the
coalition frameworks.
"We need time to coordinate those issues: as for example which
initiatives must be implemented by the coalition and which – by the
two powerful fractions, by the members of the coalition memorandum of
the parties having shared the first and the second places.
As we know the Republican and Dashnaktsutyun parties have already
announced about their intentions to stand for the presidential
elections with their personal candidate. What about BHP? In response
to this question V. Bostanjyan said," From the beginning ARF policy
was to run for the elections with their own candidate. As for the
members of the coalition memorandum RPA and BHP, according to the
functions of the memorandum we must have a united candidate and
support the united candidate."
Naturally coalition candidate has big chances," At least at this
stage the Prime Minister is a powerful candidate," the MP underscored.
Regarding the rumors about Levon Ter-Petrosyan’s possible
nomination V. Bostanjyan said," As people say when you sow "if" it
never grows. In my view there should be rivalry a there should be a
civilized, democratic rivalry, which will be manifested by the number
of the votes this or that candidate will obtain. Everything is
possible in this world."
He said he doesn’t expect any results from the meetings by various
formats organized by the opposition leaders. He said," I wouldn’t like
to hurt our opposition leaders, but I don’t think they will show any
good results. Because during the previous years they have already
displayed that hardly can they introduce any solution to any issue. I
don’t see this in case of the existing opposition?"
Later on V. Bostanjyan gave his formulation of a constructive
opposition." Constructive opposition is the one the vector of the
activity of which is directed to raising the productiveness of any
sphere. It can be state governance, supporting economic competition,
juridical-legislative system etc."
Regarding the parliamentary opposition he said," At least this
short period of parliamentary activity displayed that we lack
constructive opposition."
As for the legislative initiative about NKR recognition, submitted
by "Heritage" party he said, " If we are doing it we must first of all
think whether or not the Republic of Armenia and the Republic of
Nagorno Karabakh will benefit from it. At this stage when we are in
the process of the mediation of international organizations, in my
opinion it is an illogical step." The speaker said the initiative is
simply before time.