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ANKARA: France, Asia Minor and Mind Minor

Journal of Turkish Weekly, Turkey

France, Asia Minor and Mind Minor

Saturday , 22 September 2007

* View by Sedat Laciner (USAK)

The French President Nicholas Sarkozy once again repeated the
necessity of not to accept Turkey to the European Union (EU). Sarkozy
said `I do not believe that Turkey belongs in Europe, and for a simple
reason, which is that it is in Asia Minor. What I wish to offer Turkey
is a true partnership with the Europe; it is not integration with

Sarkozy’s statements firstly mean that France is a country who does
not show loyalty to its promises because none of the French presidents
from 1959 to the presidency of Sarkozy did not claim that Turkey does
not belong to Europe. Even the French kings and emperors in the past
clearly accepted that the Turks are part of the European political
system. Like all other EU members, France also gave full integration
promise to Turkey who applied to the EU – the EEC at that time- in
1959. Moreover, this promise was given not orally but also written,
and by means of treaties again and again (Ankara Treaty, Additional
Protocol, Customs Union Treaty etc.). Turkey is not a country who
applied to the EU recently. Its application has been laid on the table
for 57 years. Sarkozy must the most genius one among the former seven
French presidents, several prime ministers and ministers of France up
to now, so he is the first who realized that Turkey is not part of the
Europe continent. In brief, Mr. Sarkozy must remember that he is a
president of a state, and states are not respected by other states and
peoples if they do not respect to their given promises and signed
agreements. It is the principle of `pacta sunt servanda’ which
Mr. Sarkozy breaches. Pacta sunt servanda is the first and sine qua
non principle of international relations, civil law and international
law and according to the principle `every treaty in force is binding
upon the parties to it and must be performed by them in good faith.’

Turkey, according to the EU laws, is legally a European country. This
simple fact has been confirmed many times by the EU bodies, members
and agreements.


As for the issue of taking Turkey as an Asian, there is also a
strangeness: The EU deems the South Cyprus, located in the south of
Turkey, and at least 600 kilometers east from the very west point of
Turkey, as Europe, then accepted it to the EU with full membership in
2004. Similarly, Southern Caucasian countries in the east of even the
very east point of Turkey are considered also as European countries by
the EU. France for instance sees Armenia as European country. It is
beneficial to remind that the north western neighbors of Turkey,
Bulgaria and Greece, are already EU members. Namely, whereas the east,
west, south and north of Turkey can be taken as the lands of Europe
continent, yet Turkey is counted as an Asia (!). To tell the truth,
this rationale is baseless and difficult to understand.

Lastly, Sarkozy should be asked: If you see Turkey only as Asia Minor,
in which continent is one of the biggest cities of Europe, Istanbul,
located on? In which continent do you insert the Marmara Region which
forms more than half of the Turkey’s economy? Or is it the real
intention of France to make Turkey only an Asia Minor country by
giving Istanbul and Thrace region to a truly European nation?

22 September 2007

View by Sedat Laciner

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Emil Lazarian: “I should like to see any power of the world destroy this race, this small tribe of unimportant people, whose wars have all been fought and lost, whose structures have crumbled, literature is unread, music is unheard, and prayers are no more answered. Go ahead, destroy Armenia . See if you can do it. Send them into the desert without bread or water. Burn their homes and churches. Then see if they will not laugh, sing and pray again. For when two of them meet anywhere in the world, see if they will not create a New Armenia.” - WS
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