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BAKU: Akif Nagi: Political parties avoid of calling Akif Nagi

Azeri Press Agency

Akif Nagi: Political parties avoid of calling Akif
Nagi, lest they can be blacklisted

[ 22 Sep 2007 13:08 ]

The police do not allow chairman of Karabakh
Liberation Organization Akif Nagi leaving his house
for six days.

Akif Nagi told APA that though there is no court
decision about it, the police keep him and the
organization activists under observation. Akif Nagi
said there are men in civil uniforms in front of his
house and sent a message to the political parties in
`Maybe political parties avoid of calling Akif Nagi,
lest they can be blacklisted. Political parties and
public organizations can not ground their waiting
position,’ he said.
Karabakh Liberation Organization had planned to hold
rallies protesting to the participation of Armenian
sportsmen in the world wrestling championship in Baku.
Akif Nagi and members of the organization were several
times taken to the police office and released a few
hours later. Akif Nagi was detained in front of his
house on September 17, taken to Khatai district police
office and held there for a day.
His house has been under police observation since
September 18. /APA/

Antonian Lara:
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