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Tehran: GWP hails Iran-Turkmen interaction


GWP hails Iran-Turkmen interaction

Sat, 22 Sep 2007 14:58:18

Iran and Turkmenistan ‘regional role model’ Experts say other
countries should learn from the interaction between Iran and
Turkmenistan in the field of regional water cooperation.

Experts attending a three-day seminar titled ‘Global Water Partnership
(GWP) in Central Asia and Caucuses’ said Iran and Turkmenistan have
constructively collaborated in the field of water resources.

During the seminar, in which experts from eight regional countries are
attending, mechanisms for resolving possible disputes and conflicts on
the use of interstate water sources will be discussed. Some other
issues pertaining to water management will also be taken into

They will also prepare joint documents to be presented to some of the
biggest international forums in the world.

Water experts from Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan,
Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan are attending the
seminar, which is being held in Turkmen resort city of Turkmenbashi.

GWP, based in Stockholm, was founded in 1996 upon the decision of the
UN’s World Summit for creation of favorable conditions on integrated
management of the planet’s water resources.


Frangulian Shushan:
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